Hotmail Messenger installs Windows live messenger which is used for sending instant messages to different clients. The Hotmail Messenger was developed by Microsoft in July 22nd, 1999. This messenger is compatible with operating systems like a Windows XP and later versions of OS X, Windows mobiles, Windows Phone, Symbian OS, Blackberry OS and iOS devices. It supports 50 languages and is used for connecting Microsoft Messenger service which also has the compatibility with Yahoo Messenger and Facebook Messenger. By using the Hotmail messenger, you can instantly message your friends while you’re away from your computer and you can simply sign in to Windows live service and start chatting with your friends and family. The messengers will also help you in accessing, view and modifying Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint without any cost.
- Album viewer: by using Hotmail you can leave and then directly from your Windows Phone gallery. It will also provide the user with an experience of leaving the photos from photo album which are shared in different applications.
- Appear offline to individual or categories: this is one of the best options that will make the users appear offline to particular individual contacts for the entire category.
- Social networks integration: the users can contact other applications like Facebook comma my space and LinkedIn by using the Hotmail service.
- Offline messaging: one can send messages to the contact who are offline, and they will receive the message once they come to Hotmail Messenger online. Nationally the user can also start a conversation when did status is set to appear offline.
- Games and applications: in Hotmail Messenger, you can have areas games and applications which are available to access directly from your device.
- Messenger Companion: you can add Windows Internet Explorer and other companions to your Hotmail messenger so that it will be useful for you to,
- Sharing links to webpages with the user’s friends on Windows Live within the web browser
- See links to webpages the user’s friends have shared
- Add comments to the links the user’s friends have shared
Hotmail Messenger Download & Install For Android
Size: 24 MB
Latest Version: 2.1.24
Requires: Android 4.0.3 and above.
Last Updated: February 17th, 2017
Download Hotmail Messenger For Android
1.In order to install the Hotmail Messenger in Android application, you should first to go to the Google Play Store on your Android device.
2. After that, you should sign in with your Google mail account.
3. In the Google Play Store, you should search for Hotmail Messenger.
4. Then you will find all the suggested Messenger apps, and from them, you should choose the Hotmail messenger.
5. Click connect to install it on your Android device.
6. After it is installed, then you should set up Hotmail messenger on your Android device. For this, you should tap on more and then go to the settings.
7. After that, you should select account.
8. And then you need to sign up into your Hotmail with your Hotmail email id and password.
9. Once after your login details are successfully submitted then you should think your contact from your contact list.
10. Finally, you can access your Hotmail inbox from your Android phone.
Download & Install Hotmail Messenger For IOS
1.Go to the Apple Play Store on your iOS mobile device.
2. You should sign in to the Apple store and then search for Hotmail Messenger.
3. Then you should tap on the available Hotmail Messenger by clicking on install option.
4. Within few minutes the download and installation will be successfully completed.
5. After that, an icon will be available on your iOS device from which you can set up your Hotmail messenger.
6. To set up, you should go to the application and open it.
7. Then you should provide your login details which will successfully help you in login into your Hotmail account.
Download & Install Hotmail Messenger For PC
1.Go to the trusted and official authority site to download Hotmail messenger on your personal computer.
2.After that, you should select the language of your choice and then click on download options.
3.And then you need to save the file on your PC.
4.After that, you should tap on install button which will help you in installing the Hotmail messenger on your personal computer.
5.Then you can easily login to the Hotmail messenger and start using it.
Hotmail Messenger Login
To log into the Hotmail, they are two different ways.
Method 1
1. Open your Internet browser.
2. After that, you should type in Hotmail address which is
3. Once you enter the page, then you should click on login.
4. You should provide your login details, and then you will be successfully logged in.
Method 2
1. Open the app that has been saved in your device.
2. After that just tap on login option.
3. Provide your login ID and password and then click on login.
4.This will successfully help you in logging into your Hotmail messenger application.
Download Hotmail Messenger APK
The APK file format of the Hotmail Messenger is easily available for Android devices with its special services and features. Hotmail APK latest version details,
Version: for Android 4.0.3 or higher
Update on : 2016-11-15
Download Hotmail Messenger APK
1.First, you should make some changes on your Android device so that it will allow third-party apps to download into the device.
2. For this you need to go to your mobile settings> Security > make sure there’s a checkmark next to Unknown Sources.
3. Now your Android device is ready to accept.
4. Open the browser in Android device and then you should search for Hotmail Messenger APK for Android devices. Or you can directly go with the help of the official link.
5. Then you should click on the apk file format for Android device.
6. You should make sure that the application has been successfully downloaded and installed on your Android phone.
7. Now you can start using the Hotmail messenger from your Android device.
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